National Mission Statement
For DanceSport, USA Dance Inc is the official member organization of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) and the U.S. member of the world governing organization, the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF), which is recognized as the official International Federation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) responsible for all DanceSport disciplines. Along with the WDSF, USA Dance has the sustaining mission to gain national and global acceptance for DanceSport disciplines as official medal sports in the Olympic Games.
With approximately 11,000 U.S. members who financially support the national programs and with an outreach of more than 200,000 dancers, USA DANCE serves the industry as a leader and also as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, approved by the Internal Revenue Service, and is authorized to solicit and receive donations from the public to support its promotional and educational programs.
Important USA Dance programs include the support and establishment of chapters throughout the country, financial and training support of our country’s top athletes, organization and regulation of DanceSport competitions at the regional and national levels, encouragement of Special Olympics DanceSport and a K-12 after-school dance programs, support of seniors as recreational dancers and as athletes, fostering of a healthy, productive communications exchange via the general media and the USA Dance website, social media sites and the official publication American Dancer.
USA Dance's mission is to improve the quality and quantity of dance in the United States.